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Nitro Results 5/24 | ||||||||
Van Hammer d. Chavo Guerrero David Flair d. El Dandy Hour two opened with an Eric Bischoff video package. It recapped the highlights of his career. It put over how Bischoff got WCW to the top and how he let it go downhill. Should he get another chance? Cruiserweight battle royal. Juventud Guerrera, Villano IV, Damian, Lash Leroux, Psicosis, Blitzkrieg, Johnny Swinger, Prince Iaukea, Billy Kidman, Kaz Hayashi, Evan Karagous, and Ciclope. Order of elimination was Blitzkrieg, Lash Leroux, Prince Iaukea then Hugh Morrus came out and eliminated everyone except Juventud and Kidman. He got rid of Juvi, which left Kidman to fight off Hugh. Kidman was given some offense, but Hugh took control and pummeled Kidman. Rey Misterio Jr. ran in for the save Chris Beniot d. Buddy Lee Parker Buff Bagwell vs. Ric Steiner-no contest Scott Steiner came out to help his brother Ric, then off in the background you could hear somthing then out comes a monster truck that has Stings face and name pasted on the side of it and inside you could see him but he stoped before he came to the Steiner brothers and stuck his head out and took off the mask and it was Lex Lugar then the camera turned around and Sting was in the ring!!! Curt Henning came out to the anouncing table and they talked about the deal with tommy recoreds and Curt Henning kept saying how much he hates Konnans videos, Konnan came out and started beating up on Henning and they fought till they left the ring into the back Roddy Piper with Dean Melinko and Chris Beniot vs. Ric Flair with Diamond Dallas Page and Bam Bam Bigelow-no contest We had no clue who Roddy Piper was going to bring out as his Tag Team partners, then Dean Melinko and Chris Beniot came out and Ric Flair thought that they were coming out to be at ring side for Ric Flair as they entered the ring Flair and Arn Anderson were waving and telling them to go over to there side, then they walked over to Roddy Piper and Roddy smiled and thats when they finally realized that they were on Pipers side (this is now the break up of the Horesmen) They all fought untill Raven and Saturn came out and started beating up on DDP and Bam Bam Bigelow and came out a dq. | ||||||||
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